Our Publications

Take a look at some of our recent publications:

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The MUC2 Gene Product: Polymerisation and Post-Secretory Organisation—Current Models

Stanforth KJ, Zakhour MI, Chater PI, Wilcox MD, Adamson B, Robson NA and Pearson JP.

Efficacy and safety concerns over the use of mucus modulating agents for drug delivery using nanoscale systems.

Chater PI, Wilcox MD, Pearson JP.

Prominent members of the human gut microbiota express endo-acting O-glycanases to initiate mucin breakdown.

Crouch LI, Liberato MV, Urbanowicz PA, Baslé A, Lamb CA, Stewart CJ, Cooke K, Doona M, Needham S, Brady RR, Berrington JE, Madunic K, Wuhrer M, Chater P, Pearson J, Bolam D.

ζ potential changing nanoparticles as cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene delivery system: an in vitro evaluation.

Prüfert F, Bonengel S, Köllner S, Griesser J, Wilcox MD, Chater PI, Pearson JP, and Bernkop-Schnürch A.

The properties of the mucus barrier, a unique gel–how can nanoparticles cross it?

Pearson JP, Chater PI, Wilcox MD.

The effect of nanoparticle permeation on the bulk rheological properties of mucus from the small intestine.

Wilcox MD, Van Rooij LK, Chater PI, Pereira de Sousa I, Pearson JP

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