The Background
Modern Baker were looking to shake up the bread aisle with a science-backed innovative new product. Their aim was to develop a blend of fibres with proven health benefits to create healthier versions of bread and baked goods, focusing on maximizing gut health and using natural ingredients with a long fermentation process.
The Challenge
In a landscape dominated by processed foods, Modern Baker sought to show that food produced on an industrial scale doesn’t have to be terrible for us. They wanted to develop a bread product that not only tasted delicious but also offered tangible health benefits. They aimed to use soluble fibres to help slow down glucose absorption in the small intestine, addressing the glycaemic index (GI) spike associated with many diet-related illnesses, whilst also helping to stop food cravings by keeping us ‘feeling full’ for longer.
However, achieving the optimal mix of these fibres while maintaining the bread’s palatability proved to be a complex task. Many foods contain fibre, but not in the optimal mix – and they don’t all taste delicious!

Our Solution
Modern Baker turned to Aelius Biotech for their specialised expertise in gastrointestinal digestion modelling. Our patented in vitro model of the human gastrointestinal tract offered a unique capability to simulate enzymatic and chemical digestion from the mouth to the small intestine. This allowed Modern Baker to assess the impact of their bread samples on glucose release, as carbohydrates break down over time, a critical factor in determining glycaemic response. By collaborating with Aelius Biotech, Modern Baker gained access to advanced technology and scientific insights crucial for achieving their goal of creating a truly healthy and functional bread product.
The Results
Through insights provided by Aelius Biotech’s digestive model, Modern Baker successfully refined and optimized their proprietary blend of active healthy fibres. After iterations of formulation testing and optimising fibre blends, Modern Baker were able to show a delayed release of glucose from their bread when compared to a competitor product. We showed their fibre formulation not only enhanced the nutritional profile of their product but also contributed to mitigating the risk of type two diabetes—a significant public health concern.

The validation provided by Aelius Biotech’s methodology empowered Modern Baker to confidently launch their Superloaf, now available in Marks & Spencer stores and online through Ocado. This collaboration marked a significant milestone in Modern Baker’s mission to democratise healthy baking for the common good, further solidifying their position as innovators in the industry.
Their flagship product, SUPERLOAF, is just the beginning of their mission to transform the global food system by making everyday staples healthier and more delicious thanks to working with Aelius Biotech.
“We’ve now been working with the Aelius team for 6 years and value the relationship greatly. Of particular importance to us is that they are constantly growing their capabilities in line with breakthroughs in nutritional science that are so fundamental to finding solutions to the problem of poor diet.”
Get in touch
Aelius Biotech takes pride in contributing rigorous scientific insights. For a deeper understanding of what we can offer, explore our website for similar case studies and blogs. If you’re interested in collaborating or have any inquiries, feel free to get in touch.